Economics Resources for At-Home Learning

Economics Resources for At-Home Learning

The Internet makes it easy to learn about just about anything from anywhere, including economics. With all of the economics resources available for at-home learning, you can become an expert on macroeconomics and microeconomics. The world will feel a lot smaller once your role in the global economic system becomes clear. At the very least, you’ll be able to better manage your personal finances once you better understand some of the principles involved.

Economic Concepts

Economic terms and concepts are the building blocks of being able to talk about and understand economics. Economics is the balance between aggregate supply and aggregate demand. It’s the science of how the spending and saving patterns of firms and individuals affect the economy as a whole.


Macroeconomics is economics on a national scale. It’s about maximizing productivity and spending while promoting the overall economic health of an entire nation.


Microeconomics is one step down from macroeconomics: It’s economics on a small scale. Many experts suggest that it’s not possible to completely understand macroeconomics without studying microeconomics.

  • The Definition of Microeconomics: Microeconomics is the analysis of how individual economic players make spending and saving decisions.
  • How Monopsonies and Monopolies Affect the Labor Market: A monopoly is when one firm is the sole producer of a certain good, while a monopsony is when one firm is the sole purchaser of a single good. Both scenarios affect employment and consumer behavior.
  • Game Theory: Game theory is a way of modeling decision-making behavior, assuming that players are searching for the optimal outcome.
  • The Law of Demand: According to the law of demand, there’s an inverse relationship between prices and quantities.
  • Market Equilibrium: This is a state in which the demand and supply are equal.
  • Pareto Efficiency: Pareto Efficiency is when all resources are allocated at maximum efficiency and any changes to the equilibrium would harm someone.
  • Price Theory: Price theory is about how economic actors respond to price changes.

Global Economics

The global economic system is a macrocosm of individual countries’ economies. Countries with the economic power to raise tariffs and encourage domestic production are at an advantage compared to countries that are unable to provide for their domestic needs and must import even the most basic items.

Personal Finance

It’s important to know how much money you have and how you should spend it. Life without financial planning is unstable and precarious. Technology has enabled us to move money faster than ever before. That makes it even more important to keep a close eye on your money by making a monthly budget to plan for emergencies and save up for your goals.

More money transfer resources:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Economics resources for at-home learning are educational materials and activities designed to teach children and students about economics outside of a traditional classroom setting.

There are many online platforms and websites that offer free and paid resources (such as the resources above), including lesson plans, interactive games, and worksheets specifically tailored for at-home learning.

These resources cover a wide range of topics from basic economic principles, such as supply and demand, to personal finance skills like budgeting and saving.

Online platforms like Khan Academy, PBS LearningMedia, and offer a variety of free resources suitable for children.

These resources cover topics ranging from basic concepts like supply and demand to personal finance skills such as budgeting and saving.

Yes, websites such as Council for Economic Education and Federal Reserve Education offer extensive collections of free materials.

Yes, resources like EconEdLink provide materials that are user-friendly for parents and guardians without an economics background.

Engage with interactive resources like The Stock Market Game or explore practical activities through Biz Kid$.

Utilize the quizzes and tests provided by Economics Games or create your own practical scenarios for application.

This can vary, but integrating economics into daily learning can be effective. Resources like The Mint provide activities that can be incorporated regularly into your child’s routine.

Absolutely. Coordinating with your child’s teacher and using resources that align with school standards, such as those from The National Council on Economic Education, can ensure a complementary learning experience.
